
The story so far: Ash has gotten 6 Pokemon badges and is heading to Cinnabar to get his next one.

55. Riddle Me This 9/10

Ash and his friends are on a boat to Cinnabar Island, but they are informed by Gary that there is no longer a gym there; it's now a tourist trap. Once on the island, they find out he was right - and spend a long time looking for a place to spend the night and get something to eat. Most places are booked for months to come, but they find one place, owned by a mysterious blonde man who likes to tell riddles.

After Ash-tachi save a Pokemon training center (or whatever it was) from being robbed by Team Rocket, the blonde man repays the favour by revealing his true identity - Blaine, the old gym leader (the blonde hair is a wig). And his gym still exists, within an active volcano, but nobody knows about it. Ash challenges Blaine, his Squirtle losing to Ninetales, Pikachu beating Rhydon by channeling electricity through its horn, and then comes the final challenge... a fierce Magmar, from the heart of the volcano, who is very powerful and gets Pikachu in a tough spot... the episode ends there...

This is a great episode. Some Gary scenes, which is always nice, some humourous scenes, and some action scenes. Nice blend there. ^_^. I think Blaine is cool... lots of people insult his voice, but I didn't even notice that it was abnormal, I thought it was pretty cool. And Magmar - well, I love it already, without even seeing the next episode. ^_^.

56. Volcanic Panic 10/10

Ash recalls Pikachu before it can get killed, and sends out Charizard, who will not obey. Dejectedly they leave the gym. However, Team Rocket attack Magmar with ice guns, blasting the volcano walls and sending pressure through them. The volcano begins to collapse and will erupt, destroying the island, if someone doesn't do something! Ash-tachi and Blaine come in, and Magmar starts to pile rocks into the lava, trying to stop the flow. Seeing that Magmar is working strongly, Charizard decides to help, and soon most of Team Ash's Pokemon are contributing something.

The volcano is finally stopped up, and for his help, Blaine offers Ash another chance to fight for the badge. Since his gym is destroyed, they fight above the volcano. Charizard decides that Magmar is worthy of his attention, and obeys Ash, deciding to go forward to fight for him. After a good battle, Charizard finally wins, and Ash secures his Volcanobadge.

Hahahah, when Blaine was going to reward Ash, Ash thought that Blaine would give him a Volcanobadge... he's getting spoiled from being given so many! But fortunately, Blaine is a good trainer who won't baby Ash like that. ^_^. Made for a good battle. And I think Magmar is even cooler (not literally) now... it's sooo cute, powerful, cool, brave... and Blaine became my favourite gym leader after seeing this. And I don't even like fire Pokemon! Heh.

57. Beach Blank-Out Blastoise 2/10

When they try to leave Cinnabar Island unsuccessfully, Ash-tachi meet a Wartortle who communicates with Ash's Squirtle and leads them all to an island. This island is the home of Squirtles, Wartortles and their leader, a Blastoise. However, for some reason, the turtle Pokemon are all unconscious on the beach, fast asleep. When Ash goes near the Blastoise, he falls asleep too.

Team Rocket appears to steal Pokemon, but are beaten back by the Squirtle/Wartortle, and finally Blastoise, who manages to wake up and powerful beat them. The turtle Pokemon were all asleep because of Jigglypuff, who sang quietly even while trapped INSIDE A BLASTOISE'S SHELL. o.O;;

Wartortle's voice began to grate. -_-; But any Pokemon's does if they talk for too long. Anyway, I was quite angry at this episode; my Pokemon-hating friend was staying at my house, and said she'd watch this with me, so I was hoping valiently that it would be a good, interesting or humourous one so she'd get a better opinion of Pokemon. So what do we get? THIS. Gahhh. The episodes preceeding or following it woulda been MUCH preferred. And how the heck did Jigglypuff get stuck in a Blastoise?

58. The Misty Mermaid 9/10

Misty's Horsea is tired and needs a big place to swim, so Team Ash head to Cerulean. When they get there, they find that Misty's sisters have organised a big water show - with HER as the star! Their performances aren't bringing in the crowds any more, so they wanted to showcase 'new talent'. Misty reluctantly agrees and plays the part of a mermaid, with lots of water Pokemon as her friends. Team Rocket appears and continues in the water ballet, although they were not part of the performance (all the spectators think they are). They want to steal the water Pokemon.

Misty fights back with the water Pokemon, who are soundly beaten - ALL of them, even though they belong to gym leaders! - just by Jessie's Arbok. But then, the Cerulean Gym's Seel evolves into Dewgong, and Misty beats Team Rocket with powerful ice attacks. The show finishes, and the audience thinks it was great. Afterwards, Misty's sisters force Misty to leave her Horsea and Starmie (?!) with them so they can have more Pokemon for their future water shows. -_-;

This episode made me quite angry at first... take a detour to Cerulean? Umm, that's kind of a LONG DETOUR! I had been impatiently waiting for Battle of the Badge for months, so I didn't like any stalling. But it was a good episode. I noticed they tried to cover up James' cross-dressing by his comment about how next time they should steal boy's clothes (er, JESSIE was wearing boy's clothes...). Misty was gorgeous in this episode, and I like the way Ash looks without his vest too.

59. Clefairy Tales 1/10

In the town that Ash-tachi pass, many things are being stolen. The good guys of course, go to investigate, along with a weirdo scientist, Oswald, who thinks the things are being stolen by aliens. As it happens, there IS a UFO, but it is not manned by aliens, but by Clefairies. They crashed the ship and are trying to rebuild it with things they have stolen from people. Jigglypuff, however, doubleslaps her way through the ship, beating the Clefairies... they have stolen her pen/microphone to use as a joystick. ^_^; The ship flies off, Team Ash narrowly getting off just in time.

This is my least favourite episode. It was APPALLING, and I even like Clefairies! The only good part was when Oswald said that Misty was an alien. Heheh. More themes of Clefairies coming from the moon here, with them trying to fly back to space. I'm amazed the Clefairies could actually build a spaceship, personally.

60. The Battle of the Badge 10/10

The gang are back in Viridian City. Gary challenges the local gym leader just before Ash can, much to Ash's annoyance. While Ash is fuming, Togepi gets stolen by a Fearow, and then by Team Rocket, who take it to their boss inside the gym. While Gary battles Giovanni - winning two matches easily, before getting CRUSHED by Mewtwo - Team Ash look for Togepi. They find it inside Viridian Gym... and also find Gary and his fanclub, who are lying on the ground, barely conscious.

Gary tells Ash that he fought an 'evil' Pokemon, so powerful nobody could ever beat it... Ash goes to challenge the gym leader, and finds, to his surprise, that his opponent is Jessie! The trio from Team Rocket have briefly taken over the gym while Giovanni handles business elsewhere. Team Rocket sets up an elaborate system, where when a trainer's Pokemon takes a hit, that trainer will be electrocuted, and feel their Pokemon's pain.

Jessie uses Giovanni's Pokemon to fight with, and Ash gets hurt badly, but keeps on, and finally wins, Pikachu eventually wiping out five Pokemon in one shot! It ends up being Jessie who gets hurt (stupid Team Rocket, programming it so that their side would feel pain too!). Ash gets his Earthbadge.

Hahahahaha, Giovanni didn't want Togepi! What does it do? It would make a handsome paperweight! HAHAHAHA! *ahem* No, this episode was great. Lots of good Gary action, plus Ash made a very strong showing in his own battle, determinedly continuing on although it cost him a lot of pain. And Jessie is cool, no?

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